What does “Average” look like? - The “Before”.
There is probably no huge obvious issue and pain. They say: “We get along just fine”, but true “friendship” is missing. Enthusiasm for the business and partnership is not great. The partners overlook small irritants, rather than stirring the pot. Small “stuff” accumulates. The communication functions ok, but they are not listening to each other at a deep level, and neither one is being fully heard. The inspired collaboration is missing. “We do what needs to be done”. The partners work mostly “IN” the business, rarely “ON” the relationship and the business. Business growth and profitability is ok, but not great. The business is average, not the industry leader. Few employees are truly inspired and fully engaged. Job applicants are not lining up at the gates.
The “After”:
Partners begin to listen to each other in a new way. They communicate fully, holding back nothing. The partners are getting to know each other in a new way, using professional Personality Profiles. They are working on updating old agreements and arrive at new agreements and commitments, using a Team Charter Process™. They employ periodic impartial mentoring help for maintaining and growing this NEW state of the relationship.
There is a sense of new vitality in the business with increased enthusiasm among the partners, staff and customers. Increased Trust is felt and the sense of “friendship” has been enhanced. The organization experiences accelerated business growth and profitability. Challenges are handled with greater ease and are resolved more quickly.