Showing posts with label Business Consulting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business Consulting. Show all posts

Monday, March 16, 2015

Business Partners: Becoming Effective Teammates

Stress in the workplace can be caused by many different things. Perhaps an associate has been newly hired and is having difficulty adjusting. Maybe there is a personal conflict between two staff members. Perhaps you as a business owner are overworked and spread too thinly, or you need a business partner. Or maybe you have a partner, but communication is not what it should be.

What can you do in situations like this? The answer is simple: seek out a business coach.

I have many effective resources and tools, as well as years of experience in starting and growing effective business partnerships. Don’t settle for a stagnant partnership. Learn how each other thinks and operates. Play to your strong points and fill their weaknesses, while they do the same for you.

Don’t waste any more time struggling through a partnership that is benefitting neither person. I will help you view your business partner as a valuable teammate. Both you and your company will soon begin to feel the effects of this harmony as you achieve goal after goal, without any penalties.

Hardy Hasenfuss, Personal and Business Coach

Monday, March 2, 2015

Turn Over That Frown! Find and Keep the Right Employees

Let’s talk about turnover. For those who are not aware, this refers to the rate at which employees leave their jobs and are replaced.

Do you ever wonder why people leave their jobs or get fired? Aside from obvious disciplinary reasons or just having a lousy boss, the primary reason is this: many people are in the wrong job.

In many ways, the cost of turnover is huge for businesses. Many of the individuals who are left behind in these situations find themselves wishing they were somewhere else. When employees are in the wrong job, they will experience a lower level of engagement and consequently, low productivity.

The question is, how and when do I come into the picture as a personal and business coach? When you hear a fellow business owner groaning about their employees, using phrases such as “those people…I can’t ever get them to do their jobs right!”, it is a silent call for help. One which I am happy to answer.

On the other hand, if you are the business leader who is daily witnessing long or unhappy faces in your office or work site, it might be time to give me a call. It is my goal as a coach to boost employee productivity and happiness in the workplace.

Hardy Hasenfuss,  Personal and Business Success Coach

Monday, February 23, 2015

Keep the Creative Urge Alive

During the winter holiday season, I often speak on the subjects of Joy and Happiness. Both are similar concepts, and are very important ingredients in a bright and productive life. 

For now, I’d like to talk about joy. Although this past years’ joyous Christmas season has come and gone, you should not give up on finding joy in your daily life!

The greatest joy and satisfaction in my work as a coach is to support my clients. It brings me happiness to help them as they pursue their creative urge. I find satisfaction in my life when I see them striving and succeeding in building better lives for themselves, for their families, and for their careers and businesses.

The creative urge I speak of is an in-born desire to create a better life within the sphere of our passions and interests. Although I believe this urge is within each one of us, it is unfortunate that so many of us suppress our creative urges because of petty fears and a self-defeating lack of courage. This is where my support as a personal coach comes into play. It is my job to professionally encourage and challenge my clients to succeed.

Maybe you or someone you know needs to find this joy. If you have a friend, associate, or client who wants to be encouraged and challenged as they pursue the creative urge in their life or business, please give them my card. I am always here to serve you.

Hardy Hasenfuss, Your Joy and Happiness Coach

Monday, February 16, 2015

Coaching 101-Who I Am, and What I Do

I would like to take the time to state the obvious. If you are new to this site, however, it might not be very obvious. I want to briefly explain what I do as a personal and business coach.

I work professionally with business leaders who want more. They want more for themselves. They want more for their staff. They want more for their customers, for their bank account, and for their community. What is this more? You tell me, and I will help you get there.

Why business leaders need my services:  Business owners and leaders in the workplace face constant pressure from many sides. They are pressured by customers, vendors, staff, investors, and their superiors. Quite simply, most business leaders are overworked, and therefore are unable to enjoy their chosen profession anymore.

What do I do: In simple terms, I help business leaders and individuals view their lives through a larger pair of glasses. I help them put the many various struggles and aspects of life into perspective. I advise people on how to think strategically and proactively, rather than constantly operating in “crisis mode.” Additionally, I guide leaders in the hiring process, helping them place the right individuals into positions where they will shine.

Hardy Hasenfuss,  Personal and Business Coach

Monday, February 2, 2015

Planes, Trains, and Telephones

A business associate and I had a terrific 121 meeting earlier this week. Where was it, you might ask? In my office, over the phone. And It worked very well.

During our conversation, we both resolved to do more 121’s over the phone, and we want to encourage our BNI partners to do likewise!

Here are some reasons why phone meetings might be better for you:

1.     They save travel time and expenses. From my location, a round-trip to Concord is about 1 ½ hours. I’m certain that many of you have long-distance commutes as well.

2.     It is easier to carve out one concentrated hour from our busy schedules than it is to find time for a cumulative 2 ½ hour meeting.

3.     In most cases, and particularly with 121’s, phone meetings are much easier to schedule and conduct.

4.     Phone meetings are far more efficient. If you conduct them properly, there are fewer interruptions and distractions.

As far as my coaching method is concerned, I have performed over-the-phone coaching services (in addition to personal meetings) for over 20 years, and I have found them very much to my liking.

If you have yet to try this method in your professional circles, I encourage you to give it a shot! Who knows, it might just free up your time to do more 121’s.

Hardy Hasenfuss,  Personal and Business Success Coach

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Guide to Understanding Your New Year's Resolutions

Some estimates say more than 40% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions. Only 8% Achieve them.

What are the secrets behind those who succeed? Here are a few words to get the gears turning: Simple. Tangible. Obvious.

Keep it Simple
Resolutions should not be over-complicated. They should be definite, not reliant on tentative external circumstances. In this instance, it is helpful to think in black-and-white.

Make it Tangible
Setting ambitious resolutions can be fun and inspiring. Goals should be bounded by rational, achievable metrics. 

A resolution to lose some weight is not that easy to follow.

We say if you can’t measure it, it’s not a very good resolution because vague goals beget vague resolutions.

Make it Obvious
Experts recommend charting your goals in some fashion. There’s no universal strategy for success, so decide on a method of organization that works for you. For some, making a clear to-do list is enough of a reminder; others rely on “vision boards” or personal diaries.

-An emerging tactic: share your goals with your friends and family. It’s a great way to build accountability.

If you have already started making resolutions for the New Year - STOP. Better yet, if you haven’t begun, don’t start – yet. Let’s think about it first.  You need a strategy if you don’t want to be among the 92% who fail in achieving their goals.

Let me suggest a 9-point strategy that will optimize your chance of success:
1. Make a quick list of possible resolutions. Don’t do anything with them yet.
2. Get clear about the crucial differences between a vision, a goal and manifestation.
3. Decide which of those on your list fit which of the above.
4. Prioritize your list and then focus on one item. Create a vision and one or two goals.
5. Decide if you need to manifest something to support your vision.
6. Build in the possibility of short-term, incremental success to keep you motivated.
7. Spread the work involved in achieving them over time.
8. Use all three aspects of your psyche – mental, emotional and spiritual intelligence.
9. Use worksheets appropriate to your intentions.

Vision, Goals, and Manifestation-When I ask most people to explain their vision, they invariably give me a goal. Most corporate vision statements are goals. So what is the difference?

A goal is future-oriented and set in time. It is measurable, highly specific and objective. It is Yang (masculine) energy. It’s about making things happen, controlling the outcome and being active.  A goal should be achievable, realistic and structured so you know when and if it is achieved or not. If not achieved, you need to love yourself for failing and then set another goal.

A vision
is neither time-specific nor measurable. It exists now within you and you will have it as your guide forever, or at least for as long as you remain passionate about it and supports your purpose. It is what gives you your inspiration and the juice to go on to set the goals that will support your vision. Your vision is your source of fulfillment. It is Yin (feminine) spiritual energy so it is receptive and naturally attracts whatever supports your vision. It is bigger than you, gives meaning to your life and draws you to it. It requires you to open to receive what the Universe wants to give you, which is support for your vision.

Manifestation is neither a vision nor a goal. You can only manifest what is capable of being made manifest (real). In other words you can only manifest what is concrete, tangible and what you will recognize ‘out there’ when it shows up in your world. 

-When people fill in the Radical Manifestation worksheet, it amazes me how many people still put something in the box to manifest that is really a goal.

 Manifestation occurs as a result of activating the Law of Attraction, and this is best done by using a Radical Manifestation worksheet.  The worksheet, rather than trying to change your subconscious mind, uses your Spiritual Intelligence instead. But for this, the worksheet is essential.  You can download a Radical Manifestation worksheet from Colin’s Cafe. Registration is required by clicking here.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Focus Pocus

Are you focusing on the right things in your business? Is it PCP?
If not, are you working harder and harder and making less and less progress?

PCP =  People + Customers + Profit

With the right people in the right jobs, properly trained and inspired by a clear vision and a caring
culture, you can provide exceptional service to your customers consistently day in and day out. Your
customers will become raving fans of your people and your business, will come back time and again, will refer others to your business at great rates, and will never leave you to someone who undercuts your price by a few cents.

You can be sure this kind of business and environment easily attracts new customers, and your
employees will tell their friends about this great workplace. Job applicants will line up at your door step, and you will be in the enviable position to choose the best and the brightest, and those with the best and most positive attitude. You will unlock the creativity among your employees to bring about ideas for new products, improved service, attracting even more business and yielding greater profits.

Is this Utopia or wishful thinking? Hardly.  The most progressive and successful businesses are practicing this kind of business model now. And they add one other factor:  Making a difference in their community and in the greater world. They are practicing environmentally sound and progressive methods for saving precious resources and leaving the least negative footprint.

Hardy Hasenfuss

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Taking a Business Partnership from “Average” to “Great”

What does “Average” look like?  - The “Before”.
There is probably no huge obvious  issue and pain. They say: “We get along just fine”, but true “friendship” is missing. Enthusiasm for the business and partnership is not great. The partners overlook small irritants, rather than stirring the pot. Small “stuff” accumulates.  The communication functions ok, but they are not listening to each other at a deep level, and neither one is being fully heard. The inspired collaboration is missing. “We do what needs to be done”. The partners work mostly “IN” the business, rarely “ON” the relationship and the business. Business growth and profitability is ok, but not great. The business is average, not the industry leader. Few employees are truly inspired and fully engaged. Job applicants are not lining up at the gates.

The “After”:
Partners begin to listen to each other in a new way. They communicate fully, holding back nothing. The partners are getting to know each other in a new way, using professional Personality Profiles. They are working on updating old agreements and arrive at new agreements and commitments, using a Team Charter Process™. They employ periodic impartial mentoring help for maintaining and growing this NEW state of the relationship.


There is a sense of new vitality in the business with increased enthusiasm among the partners, staff and customers. Increased Trust is felt and the sense of “friendship” has been enhanced. The organization experiences accelerated business growth and profitability. Challenges are handled with greater ease and are resolved more quickly.