Monday, February 2, 2015

Planes, Trains, and Telephones

A business associate and I had a terrific 121 meeting earlier this week. Where was it, you might ask? In my office, over the phone. And It worked very well.

During our conversation, we both resolved to do more 121’s over the phone, and we want to encourage our BNI partners to do likewise!

Here are some reasons why phone meetings might be better for you:

1.     They save travel time and expenses. From my location, a round-trip to Concord is about 1 ½ hours. I’m certain that many of you have long-distance commutes as well.

2.     It is easier to carve out one concentrated hour from our busy schedules than it is to find time for a cumulative 2 ½ hour meeting.

3.     In most cases, and particularly with 121’s, phone meetings are much easier to schedule and conduct.

4.     Phone meetings are far more efficient. If you conduct them properly, there are fewer interruptions and distractions.

As far as my coaching method is concerned, I have performed over-the-phone coaching services (in addition to personal meetings) for over 20 years, and I have found them very much to my liking.

If you have yet to try this method in your professional circles, I encourage you to give it a shot! Who knows, it might just free up your time to do more 121’s.

Hardy Hasenfuss,  Personal and Business Success Coach

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